Associate Professor of Political Science


The course of

(professional) life.


Click here for a complete pdf version of my curriculum vitae, updated January 2025. 

Below is an abbreviated version of this document. See also my Google Scholar page.


International human rights law, institutions and practices; domestic political violence; international governance and judicial institutions; institutional solutions to bargaining and cooperation problems; challenges of using observational data for inferences over strategic processes.


Vanderbilt University
Associate Professor of Political Science, College of Arts & Sciences.
Nashville, Tennessee, July 2018 to present.

Director of Graduate Studies, Political Science, August 2019 to present.

University of California, Merced
Assistant Professor of Political Science, School of Social Sciences, Humanities, & Arts.
Merced, California, July 2013 to June 2018.

University of Alabama
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, College of Arts & Sciences.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama, August 2010 to May 2013.


Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Ph.D., Department of Political Science, August 2010. Dissertation: Conflict Processes and Courts: Repression, Dissent, and the Role of Domestic and International Legal Institutions
Committee: Clifford J. Carrubba, David R. Davis, Jennifer Gandhi, and Jeffrey K. Staton.
Master of Arts, Political Science, May 2009.
Qualifying exams in international conflict and security, international political economy, and methods (game theory and quantitative methods).

Webster University, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Bachelor of Arts degrees in International Relations and Religious Studies, minor in Spanish, interdisciplinary certificate in International Human Rights, certificate in student leadership, May 2004. 
Summa Cum Laude; Honors in International Relations and Religious Studies.


To learn more about my published and ongoing research, access replication files, and read applications of my work to current political debates:


To learn more about the courses I teach, students I work with, and mentoring programs I participate in:


President of Visions in Methodology

Program Chair for the 2022 Society of Political Methodology Annual Meeting at Washington University in St. Louis

International relations co-editor of the Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy

Member of the editorial boards for the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Theoretical Politics, and Political Research Quarterly

Conflict Processes Program Co-Chair for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association

Coordinator of Online Speaker Series (2015-2019) and Councilor (2018-2022) for the Peace Science Society


2021 Vanderbilt University Faculty Advisor Award in the Social Sciences

2020 ISA Best Book in International Law, Honorable Mention

2017 Outstanding Alumna Award from the College of Arts and Sciences of Webster University

2016 Early Career Award from the Women's Caucus of the Midwest Political Science Association

Bruce Russett Award for the Best Article published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution in 2014

2012 Best Paper in International Relations presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting

Science is more than a body of knowledge. It is a way of thinking;
a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility.
— Carl Sagan, 1996