Peer-Reviewed Publications
Oil Discoveries, Civil War, and Preventive State Repression (with Peter Carey, Curtis Bell, and Scott Wolford). 2022. Journal of Peace Research. 59 (5): 648-662.
Blog post in ISQ Online Symposium that spawned this project
Contentious Compliance: Dissent and Repression under International Human Rights Law (with Courtenay R. Conrad). 2019. Oxford University Press.
Website with details, highlights, awards & reviews, replication files, and incoming information about the book
Received Honorable Mention for the 2020 ISA Best Book in International Law
Reviews: International Organization
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A press release from Vanderbilt explaining the main findings
A President Principal and Immigration Agents: A Moral Hazard. 2018. PS: Political Science & Politics 51 (1):17-25.
Part of a Spotlight symposium on repression policies under the Trump Administration.
Preventing and Responding to Dissent: The Observational Challenges of Explaining Strategic Repression (with Courtenay R. Conrad). 2016. American Political Science Review 110 (1): 85-99.
Blog post for the London School of Economics American Public Policy (APP) blog on what this research has to say about domestic conflict under a new Trump administration
Christian Davenport’s Mention at Political Violence @ a Glance
National Leaders, Political Survival, and Interstate Coalitions (with Scott Wolford). 2016. International Studies Quarterly 60 (3): 540-551.
International Studies Quarterly Blog Post
Human Rights Treaties and Mobilized Dissent against the State (with Courtenay R. Conrad). 2016. Review of International Organizations 11 (4): 449-475.
Winner of the Best Paper in International Relations, Midwest Political Science Association 2012
Article by Tim Pfefferle on the Winnower
Contagious Rebellion and Preemptive Repression (with Nathan Danneman). 2014. Journal of Conflict Resolution58 (2): 254-279.
Blog post applying the research to protests in the Middle East for the Monkey Cage.
Emigrants and the Onset of Civil War (with Gina Lei Miller). 2014. Journal of Peace Research 51 (1): 51-64.
Policy Disputes, Political Survival, and the Onset and Severity of State Repression. 2014. Journal of Conflict Resolution 58 (1): 143-168.
Winner of the 2015 Bruce Russett Award for the best article published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution in 2014
Treaties, Tenure, and Torture: The Conflicting Domestic Effects of International Law (with Courtenay R. Conrad). 2013. The Journal of Politics 75 (2): 397-409.
Bargaining and the Effectiveness of International Criminal Regimes (with Scott Wolford). 2012. Journal of Theoretical Politics 24 (2): 149-171.
Blog post applying the research to Seif al-Islam Qaddafi's interactions with the ICC for the Monkey Cage
Blog post applying the research to the possibility of clemency in exchange for al-Assad's cooperation with a peaceful solution for Syria for the Monkey Cage
Ritter, Emily Hencken. 2022. “Chapter 11: Treaties, Monitoring, and Enforcement” in Human Rights: Theory and Practice, 4th edition textbook, edited by Michael Goodhart. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ritter, Emily Hencken. 2022. “Chapter 13: Using Theory to Choose a Research Strategy” in Handbook of Research Methods in International Relations, edited by R. Joseph Huddleston, Tom Jamieson, and Patrick James. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Book Review of How Social Movements Die: Repression and Demobilization of the Republic of New Africa, by Christian Davenport. 2017. Perspectives on Politics 15 (3): 907-908.
International Humanitarian Law in Civil War. 2014. Chapter in the Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars, edited by Edward Newman and Karl DeRouen, Jr. New York: Routledge.
Other Publications
Public Scholarship
“Abortion Bans are a Tool of Political Repression.” July 5, 2022. Political Violence @ a Glance.
“Best Political Violence Fiction of 2021.” with Jessica Maves Braithwaite. February 4, 2022. Political Violence @ a Glance.
“If Repression is Local, So Are the Solutions.” January 20, 2022. Political Violence @ a Glance.
“An Insurrection and a New President Make the US Vulnerable to International Crises.” with Brett V. Benson. February 17, 2021. Political Violence @ a Glance.
“Best Political Violence Fiction of 2020.” with Jessica Maves Braithwaite. January 31, 2021. Political Violence @ a Glance.
“An Illustrated Glossary of Political Violence.” with Christian Davenport. January 18, 2021. Political Violence @a Glance.
“Civil Liberties and COVID-19.” March 16, 2020. Political Violence @ a Glance.
“Good Reads.” with Jessica Maves Braithwaite. January 31, 2020. Political Violence @ a Glance.
The In-House Scientist. with Sequential Potential Comics.
Blog post in ISQ Online Symposium replicating and extending Bell & Wolford (2015)
Blog post exploring Seif al-Islam Qaddafi's interactions with the ICC for the Monkey Cage
Blog post applying research on preventive repression to protests in the Middle East for the Monkey Cage
Blog post investigating the possibility of clemency in exchange for al-Assad's cooperation with a peaceful solution for Syria for the Monkey Cage
“What I cannot create, I cannot understand.”
Ongoing Projects
Pipeline Diversity via Career Diversity: Lessons from a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program (with Jennifer N. Barnes, Alexander Tripp, and Elizabeth Zechmeister). Revised and Resubmitted to PS: Political Science.
Functionaries of Repression: Autocratic Control through Bureaucratic Administration in Russia (with Katerina Tertytchnaya). Invited to Revise and Resubmit to American Political Science Review.
Societal Repression: Civilians as Agents of Government Repression (with Jennifer N. Barnes). Under Review.
Risk Tolerance under Violence and Economic Hardship: The Decision to Migrate from States of Origin (with Elaine Denny and Erik Wibbels).
Backlash (with Jessica Sun and Scott Tyson).
Publicize or Censor? Authoritarian Decisions to Share or Hide Information about Repression (with Maria Titova and Mehdi Shadmehr).
Bullets or Bureaucrats? Models of government delegation to security and administrative agencies (with Chloe J. Hale and Brad C. Smith).
Local or Loyal? Agency Problems and Administrative Repression (with Ian Turner and Scott Tyson).
Updating and Uprising: Repression, Dissent, and Perceptions of Government Quality (with Jessica Maves Braithwaite, Nguyen Ha, and Chaelin Kwon).
“`Contrariwise,’ said Tweedledee, `if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.’”